Jean-Louis Scholtes a fait cette conférence en distanciel lors de notre 44ème réunion scientifique du CHAR le samedi 27 mars2021 qui montre parfaitement comment est née et a évolué l’anesthésie pédiatrique.
Bibliographie de Jean-louis Scholtes en relation avec cette conférence :
ASA Newsletter. Pediatric anesthesia in the untied States : coming of Age. Sept 1998 ; 62(9) : 6-17.
Brown TCK. History of Pediatric Anesthesia. in Gregory’s pediatric anesthesia Eds Dean B. Andropoulos /George A. Gregory. 6th ed. WILEY Blackwell 2020.
Brown TCK. Review article - History of Pediatric Anesthesia. Paediatric Anaesthesia 22:3-9, 2012.
Conte AH. History of Pediatric Anesthesia and Pediatric Cardiac-Congenital Surgery in A. Dabbagh et al. (eds.), Congenital Heart Disease in Pediatric and Adult Patients, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-44691-2_1 Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017.
Costarino A, Downes JJ. Pediatric anesthesia historical perspective. Anesthesiology Clin N Am 2005 ; 23:573-595.
Downes JJ. Historic origins and role of pediatric anesthesiology in child health care. Ped Clin of N Am 1994 ; 41(1):1-14.
Delègue L, Rosenberg-Reiner S. Cent cinquante ans d’anesthésie pédiatrique. Cah Anesthesiol 2001 ; 49 (1) : 47-60.
Fortuna A, Fortuna Anibal de Oliveira.- The history of paediatric anaesthesia. Baillière’s Clinical Anaesthesiology 14(4):625-639, 2000.
Golembeski T, Waisel D. Pediatric anesthesia – eighty years ago. Curr Res Anesth Analg 1925 ; 4:235-240.
Gregory G. Pediatric Anesthesia. In The wondrous story of Anesthesia. Ed. E.I. Eger II – 2014 ; 887-903
Holzman R. Morbidity and mortality in pediatric anesthesia. Ped Clin N Am 1994 ; 41(1):239-248.
Jackson Rees G. - Anesthesia in the newborn. B.M.J. 1950 ;1419-1422.
Mai C, Cote C. A history of pediatric anesthesia : a tale of pioneers and equipment. Paediatric Anaesth 2012 ;22(6):511-520.
Masson P. L’incroyable histoire des couveuses d’enfants. Challenge n°61 avril 2015 10-13.
Nasr VG, Hickley PA., Hansen DD. - History of anesthesia for congenital heart disease. In Anesthesia for Congenital heart disease - Dean B. Andropoulos MD, Stephen Stayer, Emad B. Mossad, Wanda C. Miller-Hance 3rd Ed. Wiley 2015.
Pickerill HP. - Ombredanne’s syndrome : hyperpyrexia pallida or pâleur hyperthermie. NZJ 1951 ;50(275):51-55.
Rendell-Baker L History and evolution of pediatric anesthesia equipment. Int Anesthesiol Clin Summer 1992 ;30(3):1-34.
Robson C. - Anesthesia in children. Anesth Analg 1925 ;235-240.
Sabourdin N. Histoire de l’anesthésie pédiatrique : des origines jusqu’à la fin
du XIXe siècle. Ann Fr Anesth Reanim (2013), 32(12) : e237-242.
Smith RM. Roch MA- History of Pediatric Anesthesia (chap 41) in Smith’s Anesthesia for infants and children. Etsuro Motoyama and Peter J. Davis Mosby 2006.
Smith RM. Some reasons for the high mortality in pediatric anesthesia. NY State J Medicine 1956 ; 56(14):105-112.
Smith RM. The pediatric anesthetist, 1950-1975. Anesthesiology 1973 ; 43(2):144-155.
Unruth A, McGrath PJ. History of pain in children. In : McGrath PJ, Stevens BJ, Walker SM, Zempsky W, editors. Oxford textbook of paediatric pain. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2014. p. 3-11.
Van Deming M. Agents and techniques for induction of anaesthesia in infants and young children. Curr Res Anesth & Analg 1952 ; 31(2) : 113-119.
Warde D. The history and development of paediatric anaesthesia as a subspecialty. Hist Anaesth Soc proceedings 2018 ; 51:29-47.
Weters R. Pain relief for children. Am J Surgery 1938 ; XXXIX(2) : 470-475.
Xydas S, Widmann W, Hardy MA. William E. Ladd : father of pediatric surgery. Curr Surg 2003:60(1):47-50.